The AI Society

 AI is going to bring enormous intellectual pressure on society as a whole. To function in such a society effectively one will require two degrees, a BS in AI, hardware and software, and a BA in liberal arts plus a formidable reading list. To use AI one must have some idea of how it works and its limitations. One must also have sufficient mastery of a significant body of knowledge in order to have some idea if it's right or wrong.

In order to bring this intellectual architecture into being we will have to foster, nurture, intellectual curiosity with access to databases and books and such simple tricks as giving children junior encyclopedias.

We may be exceeding the median native intelligence of our population as a whole for whatever that concept is worth. We may then be applying significant evolutionary pressure on our society. Adjusting to AI is a decision we haven't made. The market is placing AI for us, in the Way of capitalism. We either adjust or we don't. It's up to us.

These are complex dangerous times. Let us be wise and careful.

Do Well and Be Well
