Today and Tomorrow, 3

 The Near Future

Artificial Intelligence is going to have to improve significantly to be the player it needs to be and those improvements are under development, a new transformer architecture that enhances learning, etc. Once those improvements are made we will be facing a cultural bottleneck, a brain plasticity limit. We will step onto uncharted ground, by my estimate, when a majority of bright normal intellgenced people have and use an AI companion in mainstream economic activity. That development is going to involve substituting human productivity for machine productivity in a two tiered economic structure.

Essentially a UBI funded by licensing fees collected on AI driven robots which, in an economic singularity, will make AI driven robots and by so doing take machine productivity to unprecedented heights which will fuel advances in human productivity.

We are on the precipice of a brave new world unimaginable to those of us who will be living in it. Novel solutions to novel problems will put pressure on brain plasticity causing Pavlovian breakdowns (Pavlov's dogs when pressed beyond their natural abilities used to breakdown and have to be sent to a farm for recovery. They usually recovered.) and therapeutic retreats at frequent intervals.

It will be interesting.

Do Well and Be Well.
