Some Idle Thoughts

 Having witnessed the sexual exploitation of women my entire life, I felt it necessary to offer suggestions to alleviate the suffering. I am currently writing a Kindle Vella short story series, The Tao of the Swarm, which explores and exposes the social problems involved in human beings being valuable pieces of sexual meat. The unethical monetization of human flesh is a maelstrom which, sooner or later, will drag us all under.

Why do we monetize flesh? I was watching a reactionary talk show where a host was going off on the idea of a basic income. My first thought was that I could put ChatGPT right where she was, right now, and put her out of a job. She was betraying her own socioeconomic class, the high risk soon to be unemployed who need a basic income.

We have pursued productivity without cease since Watt bestowed the steam engine on Western Civilization by demanding performance by humans competing with machines with little safety net, dog-eat-dog, devil-take-the-hindmost. Under those conditions, the flesh market would logically flourish and it does. If these are the conditions of existence, and don't forget the debilitating effects of common neurotoxins, the mad doctor himself, we must make allowance for flesh market operations.

We cannot legalize prostitution without compromising our moral structure. We can however bring the practice into the legal environment by adjusting it to fit a different model, a contract model. This would require;

1. Consensual Rape Consent by the practitioner 

2. Preemptive hush money agreement by the customer

This would take the commercial sex act out of the language of the statutes and place it in civil remedy. 

With AI rolling like a fast freight, you may be flashing those pretty legs hustling bucks sooner than you ever imagined.

Do Well and Be Well.

Kindle Vella

The Tao of the Swarm 
