The Importance of Purpose

 Purpose is a performance art, the art of being about some business that will stand the light of day. It defines meaning operationally, which may be the only way meaning can be articulated.

If I am about some business, some collection of social activities that constitute a directed enterprise of definite goals and that business is to the benefit of me and my society, effective altruism, and my posterity, stewardship, then I am operating in meaning.

Each social activity of that enterprise is then also meaningful. I am about rationalizing the social reaction to innovation, not as a political or moral good, but as an attempt to reduce the damage of creative/destruction to the social fabric and individual lives to the minimum necessary to increase human productivity and foster improvements in society. One of my social activities is writing stories for Kindle Vella.

These stories are an attempt to induce a realization in the insane of their insanity, to make them self aware of their aberrant mental state. Unregenerate mental cases routinely do not recognize their insanity as insanity. There is no point of address for treatment, which is the business of psychiatry, so these mental cases are caretaker material, a weight upon society and properly institutionalized. If one cannot make sense, one is a loud noise in society, a public nuisance interfering in the quiet enjoyment of others' lands or tenancies. They are eligible for adjudication, legal person or not.

Innovation rends the social fabric. It ostracizes the unemployed into outsiders who are, deep in their psyche, subject to maximum separation anxiety. It causes the opposite of 'human' productivity increases whatever the impact on machine productivity. It is basically inhumane. It definitely needs to be managed and it has consequences in mental health.

With all this in mind, I can write entertaining stories that are derivatively meaningful and keep my sanity and peace of mind.

Do Well and Be Well 
