Social Existence and the Antisocial-ist

 What constitutes a functioning society? Before I can answer that I have to context the explanation with a construct of social existence, the raison d'etre of the absolute existence of human beings. We exist to form social entities. We are undefined and incapable without them.

Social existence consists of two factors engendered by the interaction of human beings, talent and venue. Talent, the skillsets and naive abilities developed and nurtured by healthy social groups, and venue, the means of deployment of those talents for the greater good created by the institutions of those healthy social groups, are defining of social existence, just the dynamic of those two factors and the ancillary behaviors associated with them.

A functioning society, then, consists of the development of talent and the creation of venue for that talent for the express purpose of accomplishing tasks worth doing both in process of accomplishment and in return on investment. This focus and logic I call task domination as opposed to the arbitrary authoritarian structures of dysfunctional society. 

Task domination results in a social dynamic of reward and penalty such that being necessary and contingent to the accomplishment of those worthwhile tasks makes one special to society as a whole, worthy of accolades and emulation.

If one is convinced, a priori, of one's special status in society without reference to task, talent, or venue then the process of a functioning society exposes that as delusional on the task domination logic of those terms of existence. Delusion begets denial and resistance and such person's behavior and cognition can be described as antisocial-ist or narcissist or toxic as they will envenom the terms of social existence that expose those delusions.

Do Well and Be Well.
