Rational Thought as a Sort Routine

 This blog is generated out of a recent brief excursion into new thought that I titled The Nature of Value Calculi. One thing leads to another and starting with language as a greater than, less than calculus and characterizing money and the number system as similar calculi I now formalize what is implicit in that characterization, that all three are no more than sort routines for purposes of relative value within a given relevance range or a kind of market.

The uses of language are manifold, cliches, common turns of phrase, simple generated constructions, and complex cerebral cortex driven creations, all compose the stuff of language. What I am saying is that by exorcising commonplaces and the mechanics, the Art of language, one is left with nothing more than a sort routine of relative value on given criteria. An AI program identifying a pattern as an object and being supplied with critical criteria considerations could do as well as a human being at the task of reason, of ordering chaos into models of systems, by the simple expedient of judging object A as greater than object B on specific criteria and then, off a large sample, seeking patterns, models, of some universality.

That is my contention, that modeling reality is basically the application of a sort routine, no more, no less, for your consideration.

Do Well and Be Well.
