Talents, Societies, Markets, and Disruption

This blog intends to develop a crude theoretical reading and extension of Classical Liberal thought in light of current ideas along with original concepts. Its purpose is to give the reader something to think about, no more, no less.
What is talent? Talent is a latent ability generally involving naive aptitudes, acquired skill sets, and vitality.
Societies function as compensation matrices, a collective playing to strengths, in which talent is developed under social manipulation as discouragement (diminishment), compensation (playing to strength), empowerment (encouragement), venue (market), and reward (profit).
Markets are venues for goods and sevices, compensation matrices involving the deployment (movement) of goods and services from plenty (diminishment) to scarcity (empowerment) at maximum profit or reward which acts to allocate resources to relevant talent.
Disruption is the creation of scarcity, value, at the expense of orderly market operations. Disruption introduces efficiencies and new capabilities into the productive process as productivity increases.
The purpose of increasing productivity is to increase the wealth of nations by increasing both the wealth of Labor and the amount of Capital.
If something identifiable as disruptive does not increase the wealth of nations, it is a troll act and a nuisance, e.g. if Bitcoin doesn't work out, it will be a troll act.
There, a crude concise but coherent working out of relevant ideas for your inspection. Think them over.
Do Well and Be Well.


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