Duty and Debauchery Part III

The fundamental task for a society of meaning and markets is to ensure the 'goodness' of its currency, or currencies if one considers language a value calculus ordering a chaos of social existence. The problem in doing that, counterfeiting aside, is that using money in any type of social engineering dilutes its value as a market calculus. Money only has economic meaning yet benign social existence demands that it be used otherwise. This paradox, that material existence, economic life, is primary in social existence but not determinant defines the economic sphere.
Transparency in terms of the positive and negative effects of various types of spending on the value of money simply doesn't exist. It is necessary that we step back from complex equations which are better left to AI and simplify our calculations for a humane economy. After all, an inhumane economy makes no sense and will eventually make no cents.
A simple systemic transfer of wealth citing excessive innovation, say a basic income funded by VAT revenue, and regulated by a simple formula, say the change in the total basic income fund equals (the change in GDP + the change in productivity)/3, there being three broad sectors of spending, business, government, and basic income, and made transparent by a simple calculation, say that if the total basic income fund exceeds the total CapX of that political economy then the value of its money is being significantly diluted, would rationalize spending, supply transparency, provide for the General Welfare, and safeguard the currency.
The industrial world, for all its technological wonders, is a darker place since 1905 but moving, in fits and starts, toward the Light of benign social existence. We are faced with the dismal prospect of a high intellectual bar to full participation for the foreseeable future although the development of AI assistance is steadily lowering that bar. Nothing civilized is done by a solitary individual, by definition, or as a mindless crowd. This blog, as a singular effort, only exists in the reading and reacting to it.
Do Well and Be Well.

The End
Duty and Debauchery: The Art of Civilization
